Paperless AGM | YBS | Chelsea Building Society
Putting your AGM information and vote online
Your questions answered
What happens if I change my mind and want to receive my AGM pack by post?
That’s fine – you can choose to go back to the postal pack at any time.
If you’ve registered your account online, follow these steps to change your choice:
- Log in to your online account.
- Choose Marketing/AGM preferences and tick the post option under Your membership and voting.
- We'll do the rest.
Forgotten how to log in?
Just click here for some help.
If you haven’t registered your account online you have a couple of ways to change your choice:
- When you receive your AGM emails before the meeting next year, you’ll be able to choose to get your AGM information by post instead. If it’s within a few days of the AGM, the documents might not arrive in time for the meeting and the voting deadline - but we’ll make sure you get them by post the following year.
- Call into any YBS branch or agency and update your choice.
Or if you decide online is best for you after choosing the paper pack:
- Choose the online option on the AGM voting form, or if you vote online you’ll have the chance to choose online as part of the voting process.
- Call into any YBS branch or agency and update your choice.
Does this change how I receive other communications from you?
No this is a service message and the changes you make here will only apply to documents and information for AGMs and other member meetings - all your marketing preferences for marketing communications will stay the same.
Can I vote at the AGM?
You’re entitled to vote if you:
- have £100 or more in your share savings account(s) on 31 December of the previous year, and remain a shareholding member at all times up to and including the voting date (which will be included in your AGM information) or
- owe £100 or more on your mortgage as a borrowing member on 31 December of the previous year and on the voting date;
- are or will be at least 18 on the date of the meeting; and
- are the sole or first named account holder on an account.
What happens next?
If you’re eligible to receive the AGM information, we’ll send you an email before the AGM to let you know that you’ll soon receive everything you need - we’ll then send you an email with the AGM information, a link to our AGM website and your own personal link to vote online.
If we can’t deliver your email or it becomes necessary to send a paper version we’ll send it by post.
Still have questions?
If you’re not sure about anything, we’ll do everything we can to help. Give us a call on 0345 1200 888 and we’ll talk things through – we’re open Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm and Saturdays 9am to 1pm.